Medical Communication & Digital Solutions

Visual and interactive presentation of the evidence is crucial for information accessibility to improve stakeholder engagement and market access.

Information sharing is a part and parcel of scientific communication, even more in the current era of technology. Manticore aims to make the process of product information sharing easy while keeping the data relevant and informative. We help you develop targeted and powerful mobile applications, on Apple and Android platforms, to solve problems and implement your ideas faster. Manticore offers a wide array of services for mobile applications:

Manticore’s experts provide the necessary tools to approach external stakeholders. From Excel models to BaseCase models and iOS to Android applications, we provide dashboard designs and interactive models to aid the visual presentation of evidence for your product.


To address your product's opportunities and challenges


To engage stakeholders and aid decision-making


To address your product's opportunities and challenges


Long-term support and maintenance post deployment to help you address stakeholder and payer concerns